Jeremy Cloake is a professional teacher who has worked Internationally since 2000. His classes are unique, fun and very informative.
Studying with Jeremy can be done in person at one of his workshops, online through skype or at your own leisure through his video tuition series.
Yidaki Tuition Booklet and CD $25

Balanda Yidaki Dhukarr is the highly acclaimed yidaki tuition booklet and CD by Jeremy Cloake. This is an essential item for anyone who is interested in understanding and playing yidaki techniques and compositions. In this tuition booklet and CD, Jeremy teaches the articulatory phoenetics of yidaki playing. These are first taught as individual sounds and then put together to become phrases that are repeated, making various rhythms. There are several yidaki playing styles that are covered, as well as many rhythms and combinations of individual sounds to add variety and interest to your yidaki playing. Jeremy has designed this as a complete course and it flows from beginning to end in a simple and straightforward process, making it easy for anyone to use. The CD also includes nine yidaki solos that are sure to inspire any yidaki enthusiast!
"I have found the CD very very very very useful, informative and I can't recommend it enough to other people, thanks for sending me my copy a while back my playing has as I say come on leaps and bounds." Richard, England.
"Hi Jeremy! Just wanted to let you know I received the CD from you today! Great stuff! Hope to dive into some practicing with it tonight. Thanks for putting this great info together!!! Love the booklet." Allan, USA.
"Nicely done on the CD, I love the lay out and all the linear notes and examples. Plenty of stuff to keep anybody busy for a while, definitely a great edition to the educational materials genre of the instrument, way to go Jeremy!" John, USA.
"It's been a bit more than a week since I bought the yidaki and the CD and I'm burstin' off new rhythms with more control, precision and power ever! The CD was exactly what I needed in straightening out what I had learned on my own, knowing and putting a name on the different sounds and the different distinctions in articulation. So many thanks to you Jeremy for your advice and for showing me the way!" Ben, France.
"I just received the CD yesterday. Thanks for the speedy delivery! This is a great tool to help learn traditional techniques and look forward to mastering them! Thanks for producing a quality product." David, USA.

In this powerful recording, Jeremy Cloake demonstrates his skill and precision with a variety of traditional yidaki playing techniques. Here he combines them with his own unique style of composition, articulating them with accuracy, speed and power. In his classes, Jeremy Cloake teaches the techniques that are demonstrated in this video as well many more.